What is it?
SALT is our Servant Adult Leadership Team.
What is its purpose?
SALT's purpose is to help give direction and support to the youth group. They have meeting's every 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:30pm in the youth wing. New ideas, Sunday school material, and upcoming events are discussed.
Who is a member?
SALT is made up of church members who have a commitment to serving our youth by providing care, supervision, spiritual guidance, and helping teens to become fully functioning followers of Jesus Christ. Currently we are made up of mainly the youth Sunday School teachers, but we are open to other church members joining us.
Can other people become members? Who? How?
To become a member of SALT you must first be a church member at FBC Fairborn. Talk to Kevin Singerman if you are interested.
Youth Council
What is it?
Youth Council is a group of 5 youth who are voted on by SALT. These youth must meet criteria of being in at least 50% Sunday school attendance and 50% discipleship training (Wednesday night youth).
What is its purpose?
The group is broken down into 3 positions:
Torch Editor (2): Makes sure that the Torch is created and up to date. Creates posters for past/upcoming events. Informant (2): Bulletin board updated (Missions information, Jessika Charles information, visitor packet creation). President (1): Makes sure that everyone is on task with their specific jobs, makes announcements on Sunday morning, personally greets newcomers to the youth group and makes sure that they meet their teachers and classmates.
Who is a member?
Youth involved in "Youth Council" must be church members at FBC Fairborn. SALT identifies youth that show leadership potential and votes on approaching those youth with a specific position.
Can other people become members? Who? How?
Yes. The positions are held for a one "church" year term beginning in September and ending in September of the following year. SALT will once again asses the youth group and identify leadership potential. Once voted upon, the youth pastor will reach out to those individuals.
Youth Accounts
How is money earned?
Money is earned from a variety of different means. We have a "Hire a Youth" program where church members can make a request for any number of specific jobs (Lawn mowing, cleanup work, etc..) and then pay the youth via their youth account. This is being overseen by Denise Tye.
Parents Night Out is an event sponsored by our pre-school ministry. PNO is normally held on the third Friday of the month from 6:30pm until 9:30pm. There is not a set amount charged to parents, but they are asked to give a monetary gift. The money that is raised is split between the students that help with the children. The norm has been about $30 per student.
We have several events throughout the year where money is raised for our youth. Our church garage sale raises over $1,000 for our youth missions fund. Youth that sign up and help work receive a specific amount in their youth account per minute worked.
Who keeps the records?
Denise Tye keeps the records and updates them accordingly.
How do we find out how much is in them?
You can contact Kevin Singerman to find out how much is in your students youth account.
What can they be used for?
The money raised in the youth account can be used for any youth event. Ski trips, summer camp, or concerts. If it is planned by the youth pastor, it is able to be paid from the youth account.
Do youth accounts expire?
Youth accounts do not expire. The money raised each year will rollover to the next year. Several of our Young Adults who have had youth accounts in the past still have money they can use towards any Young Adult event they choose.
Trek & Journey
When are we starting?
We plan on kicking off our Trek and Journey programs on January 22, 2012. These programs will take place in the youth wing on Sunday nights from 5:00pm - 7:00pm and will still be referred to as "Ignite".
What is the plan?
Schedule for "Ignite" on Sundays:
5:00pm - 5:20pm: Eat
5:20pm - 5:50pm: Game time (Both Trek and Journey together)
5:50pm - 6:10pm: Announcements and worship
6:10pm - 6:40pm: Lesson time (Trek and Journey in separate rooms)
6:40pm - 7:00pm: Scripture memory, book work
7:00pm: Head home
Who is teaching?
Kevin Singerman will be teaching the Journey portion of the evening as well as overseeing everything within the schedule. Daejanna Preston will be teaching the Trek portion of the evening with assistance from Victoria Singerman.
Youth Group Rules
1. No insults or swearing will be tolerated.
a. It doesn’t matter if it is “joking around”.
b. Swearing is taken very seriously and will earn you a strike (3 strike rule).
2. Absolutely no violence. You hit someone, you go home.
3. Bullying will not be tolerated either physical or verbal.
4. Respect one another.
a. Raise hands before talking.
b. Listen when others are talking.
c. Always listen when Kevin or other leadership is speaking.
5. Clean up after yourself.
6. No distracting behavior.
a. Silence your cell phones.
b. If you get an important call/text, leave the room to reply to it.
c. Use the bathroom before the lesson.
7. Be prepared.
a. Bring your Bible.
b. Be on time.
8. No inappropriate dress.
a. No cleavage.
b. No short shorts/skirts (Shorter than fingertips).
c. 3 Finger rule for shirt straps.
d. No saggy pants.
Three Strike Rule
1. If you receive more than 1 strike you will be removed from the activity.
2. If you receive 3 strikes at one event, you will be taken home and your parents will be notified of your behavior.