Monday, November 7, 2011

Church Newsletter Article for Dec 2011

            Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” - Matthew 9:37–38
            Pastor Ron has preached many impacting sermons about revival recently. Joe Veal blessed us during the week of revival with several powerful messages about the gospel and the power of God. But are we hungry for it?
            Jesus says in this verse that there are scores of people who are ready to hear the gospel and respond, but that there are not enough laborers. There are not enough people willing to go into those fields.
            In my mind I imagine African’s toiling over the ground in Africa. Even old men still faithfully go into the field and break their backs, gain blisters on their hands, and sweat over their plants until there is a harvest. But what is gained? Life! They are able to feed themselves and their families. Then they go back out and start the process again.
            We need to stop looking at outreach and evangelism as a byproduct of revival and start realizing that revival doesn’t happen unless God’s people start taking His commands seriously. We need to stop looking at the fields of people here in Fairborn and saying that the hard work of outreach is not worth it.
            The youth group is going to get serious about sharing their faith. Will you?

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