Just so you are aware, we are implementing a new "rules" policy for the youth group. We talked through some rules when I first was brought on staff, but did not post them in the youth wing. Now they will be posted and we plan on helping our students to be held accountable to them. Most of these were made by our current students on this past Sunday night. Please become familiar with them so that we can continue to have a safe environment for students to grow in godliness.
Youth Group Rules
1. No insults or swearing will be tolerated.
a. It doesn’t matter if it is “joking around”.
b. Swearing is taken very seriously and will earn you a strike (3 strike rule).
2. Absolutely no violence. You hit someone, you go home.
3. Bullying will not be tolerated either physical or verbal.
4. Respect one another.
a. Raise hands before talking.
b. Listen when others are talking.
c. Always listen when Kevin or other leadership is speaking.
5. Clean up after yourself.
6. No distracting behavior.
a. Silence your cell phones.
b. If you get an important call/text, leave the room to reply to it.
c. Use the bathroom before the lesson.
7. Be prepared.
a. Bring your Bible.
b. Be on time.
8. No inappropriate dress.
a. No cleavage.
b. No short shorts/skirts (Shorter than fingertips).
c. 3 Finger rule for shirt straps.
d. No saggy pants.
Three Strike Rule
1. If you receive more than 1 strike you will be removed from the activity.
2. If you receive 3 strikes at one event, you will be taken home and your parents will be notified of your behavior.
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