Tuesday, March 20, 2012

IMPACT, March 17th, 2012

     We had an amazing day on March 17th. IMPACT was incredible. Everything went smoothly and that was thanks to God and all of my volunteers! We saw so many answers to prayer on Saturday. We were supposed to have major thunderstorms all day. We had many people praying that God would clear up the skies for us so that we could still go out and prayer walk and share Christ with people. For 9 days we saw thunderstorms still on schedule mainly in the afternoon. On Friday night, the schedule changed to being sunny and beautiful! Praise God!
      We had a moderate crowd that attended IMPACT. Many students were out of their comfort zone and were nervous about going out to share their faith. But we had many people praying for them! We were praying that God would bring boldness and confidence and that His Spirit would lead us. God once again answered our prayers! Students who were the most fearful about approaching people became the most bold! Our students stepped up to the plate in an amazing way. 
      God had also made many divine appointments for us. One man that was approached by our students had been thinking about suicide earlier that week. He had been crying out to God wondering if he was even being heard. Our students reached out to him and shared Christ with him. He told me later that this was the answer to his prayers. He now knows that God does hear him and that He does care for him. Praise God!
      We also had another man who was convicted of sin and turned to Christ as Lord and Savior! We have already begun follow up for him.
      Praise the Lord for being at work and thank you for being involved in prayer and for serving at IMPACT. Let's not let this be a one day event. Pray that God will continue to work in us and through us that many more may see the life that is in Christ! Be bold for Him.

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